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Oral Solutions NW

Wisdom Tooth Removal
Dental Implants West Linn, OR

Illustration of an impacted wisdom tooth.As oral surgeons, we here at Oral Solutions NW specialize in several advanced surgical treatments designed to maintain or improve your oral health. For instance, we offer the surgical removal of wisdom teeth before they erupt and create significant complications for your smile. If you or your child are in need of a wisdom tooth extraction, you have come to the right place!

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are a third set of permanent molars that erupt at a much later date than the rest of your teeth. They tend to appear between the ages of 17 and 25. For some, they erupt normally without issue. For others, they cause several detrimental issues for your oral health.

Some people are born with four wisdom teeth, while some have none at all. During a consultation appointment, Dr. Jeffrey Crowley will perform a series of diagnostic tests to determine the number of wisdom teeth present and their location. This typically includes digital x-rays or 3D imaging technology.

Problems Associated With Wisdom Teeth

Due to biological, evolutionary, and dietary reasons, wisdom teeth are no longer necessary. Because they erupt at a later date, there is often not be enough room in the jaw to accommodate an extra set of molars. This can result in several problems, the most common being an impacted tooth.

Without enough space, a wisdom tooth can get trapped underneath the gum tissue, or only partially erupt. This can cause the tooth to:
•  Come in at an angle that affects your second molar
•  Come in at an angle that makes chewing uncomfortable
•  Cause severe pain in the gums
•  Cause a cyst in the gum tissue
•  Damage the roots of surrounding teeth or the underlying bone

If a wisdom tooth does erupt, and there is minimal space in the jaw, it also causes crowding issues and misalignments (malocclusions). The new tooth may push your existing teeth out of the proper alignment. An extraction can prevent these problems before they occur, keeping your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Removal Procedure

Most wisdom teeth removals involve brief surgery. A surgical extraction is performed on a tooth that has yet to erupt above the gum tissue. We typically recommend a surgical extraction as a preemptive measure.

During your surgical extraction, Dr. Jeffrey Crowley will make a small incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth. Next, we usually need to break the tooth into several pieces, which makes removal process much more simple. In some cases, we may also need to remove a small portion of the supportive bone.

Once the tooth is completely out, we will suture the incision. This process is then repeated for each wisdom tooth in need of removal. After your surgery, we will give you a detailed set of post-operative instructions. Follow these instructions closely to reduce your risk of developing any complications. Most people recover from the procedure quickly and without issue.

Schedule a Consultation

Find out now if you or your child is need of wisdom teeth removal. Call (971) 447-0164 to schedule a consultation today.
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(971) 447-0164

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Tue - 8:00am-5:00pm
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Thu - 8:00am-5:00pm
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Wisdom Tooth Removal | Dental Implants West Linn, OR
As oral surgeons, we here at Oral Solutions NW specialize in several advanced surgical treatments designed to maintain or improve your oral health. Give us a call now!
Oral Solutions NW, 22400 Salamo Rd. Suite # 205, West Linn, OR 97068 + (971) 447-0164 + + 1/19/2025 + Related Phrases: dental implants West Linn OR +